Posts by Michelle Strange

Restorative Accountability Circle

Join us in circle as we explore what restorative accountability entails and discuss our experiences with accountability. (more…)

Restorative Office Hours for Faculty

Faulty, ask questions and seek consultation to navigate issues with your department, team, and/or classrooms. (more…)

Restorative Office Hours for Faculty

Faculty, ask questions, and seek consultation to navigate issues with your department, team, and/or classrooms. (more…)

Restorative Drop-in Hours

January 17 | 12-3 p.m. | Social Justice Center B207 Drop by to pick up the winter restorative calendar of events and other restorative resources, ask questions about restorative practices, and build community. (more…)

Hiring: Restorative Faculty Fellow

As BC expands restorative efforts across campus, the Office of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion is hiring a Restorative Faculty Fellow. Interested faculty can complete a brief application by November 26. (more…)

Restorative Workshop

Gain tools to respond to harm & build community in your organizations, teams, and/or classrooms while discussing relevant scenarios and restorative principles. (more…)

Restorative Listening Circle: Solidarity Building

Come to a facilitated space to listen and be heard through authentic storytelling that aims to foster a greater sense of emotional connection, transparency, and shared vulnerability. (more…)

Restorative Listening Circle: Solidarity Building

Come to a facilitated space to listen and be heard through authentic storytelling that aims to foster a greater sense of emotional connection, transparency, and shared vulnerability. (more…)

Pick Up Restorative Infographic Tools

Drop in to pick up infographic tools to respond to harm, learn about spring restorative programs, & connect with the Director of Restorative Practices. (more…)