Charter a Student Organization

What is a Student Organization?

A student organization is student-led and student-driven. Students set the agenda for what the group will do, manage events and activities, run officer elections and set goals. The student organization’s advisor and Student Engagement staff support student organizations through a student-development-centered approach to foster learning and growth for participating students. Student leaders are voluntary; faculty or staff advisors are not paid. Student organizations are different from “programs,” which have a staff or faculty member who oversees the group and who may set expectations. Other groups may have student leaders, but they are not considered student organizations. To learn more, view the Student Organization Handbook on our Organization Resources page.

Why charter?

Chartering is the only way to be officially recognized as a Bellevue College student organization. Once chartered, you have access to funding opportunities, support and guidance from the Student Engagement staff, access to campus resources, and can represent the College at events and activities.

New and returning organizations are required to charter annually to stay actively recognized. This process is managed by Student Engagement staff and Associated Student Government (ASG). To request a student organization charter, complete the form below. The form will be routed for approval to your advisor before being submitted to us. If you haven’t been able to find a faculty or staff advisor, let us know and we’ll help you find one. Once chartered, your members and advisor will receive guidelines and training from our staff.

What does the chartering form ask for?

  • Organization name, description, vision & goals, benefit to students, and urls for website(s) and/or social media profiles.
  • One president and one treasurer selected at the time of application (if the organization chooses to elect more than one president, only one president can function as the liaison between the organization and Student Engagement.)
  • The names and BC email addresses of five leading members enrolled as BC students.
  • At least one advisor who is professional BC faculty or staff. A student organization must have an advisor to remain chartered. Students are encouraged to find co-advisors to share the responsibilities.
  • By submitting this form, your group agrees to abide by all of the policies, procedures, and terms set by ASG and Student Engagement.

Have questions about chartering?  We can help! Please contact Veronica Chaplin.

Last Updated June 28, 2024