Students (for Bulldogs FYI)

Join the Black Student Union

The Bellevue College Black Student Union has open officer positions for the 22-23 school year, or you can join BSU as a member. Sign up today! (more…)

ASC Tutoring Opens Today! 9/26/2022

Drop-in, appointment, writing lab, and math lab tutoring services are available on-campus and online with the Academic Success Center. (more…)

Help Use Dialogue to Tackle Toxic Polarization

Come to an information session on Monday, Oct. 3, 12-1 p.m. in U208 to learn about BridgeBC, a new student club dedicated to constructive dialogue that fights against polarization on campus and in our communities (more…)

Media Preferences Survey

Our Fall Media Preferences Survey has officially launched! This survey allows BC to best serve our students and their communication preferences. Students that partake in the survey are entered into a weekly giveaway. (more…)

BC Wellness: Fitness, Intramurals and Outdoor Rec

Join the BC Wellness Center. Expand what you do for your personal wellness and join our community! Open access hours, San Juan bike tour, rock climbing, drop-in soccer - and more. (more…)

Week 2 Updates and Reminders

Hello, Bulldogs! Read on to learn about important upcoming deadlines and suggestions for getting involved this Fall Quarter! (more…)

Infrastructure Council Meeting, Wednesday

The Infrastructure Council (IC) provides a forum to consider the effectiveness of nonacademic support functions, including technology, facilities, and auxiliary services. It meets this Wednesday from 2-3:30. (more…)

College Assembly Meeting, Monday

The College Assembly is a college-wide body that reviews and considers key college issues and manages recommendations from councils to the president of the college. The College Assembly meets Monday at 1:30 p.m. (more…)

Sustainability Summer Recap Newsletter

Stay current on all things sustainable at BC with the Office of Sustainability’s Summer Quarter Recap newsletter. Learn what we worked on this past quarter along with tips and tricks on how to be sustainable at home. (more…)

Library Hours, Study Rooms, and 24/7 Reference

The Library, located in D-126, has study rooms. Reserve them up to 2 weeks ahead for your online class or study group. (more…)