Students (for Bulldogs FYI)

ASG Election Event

Join us for lunch and meet our presidential candidates today. (more…)

International Education Week Events

International Education Week is a celebration of international and intercultural partnerships and communities. It is a BC highlight and offers the opportunity for language learning, study abroad, and the forming of global communities. (more…)

Veterans Breakfast and Guest Speaker, Nov. 10

The Veterans Resource Center will be hosting a Veterans Breakfast and Guest Speaker Event in observance of Veterans Day on Thursday. (more…)

Reading and Writing Workshops, Week 8

Visit the Academic Success Center Workshops page for links to our free online workshops on writing, reading, and ESL/ELL. (more…)

Benefits Hub Workshop on Nov. 16

Benefits Hub is hosting our partners at Neighborhood House to talk about upcoming Open Enrollment for WA State Health Insurance! They will also be discussing the Basic Food program available to many Benefits Hub students! (more…)

Tech Tuesday – Teams 200

Tuesday, November 8 @ 2 p.m. - Teams 200 - free advanced training about Microsoft Teams! (more…)