Students (for Bulldogs FYI)

Deadline Extended: PTK Catalyst Delegate

We are seeking Bellevue College's PTK student members to apply and join us at the Phi Theta Kappa Catalyst Convention in Kansas City, MO from April 3-5, 2025. (more…)

BC Governance, Council Updates

Leadership, minutes, & more! A late welcome back College Assembly Chair Amy McCrory! January 2025 minutes from all councils! F25 elections soon! (more…)

Celebrate Black History Month 2025

February marks Black History Month, and at Bellevue College, there are numerous events taking place. Our theme for this year is Returning to the Table: Legacy, Tradition, and Wellness for Our Future. (more…)

Interested in a Career in Data?

The application is now open for the Spring 2025 Data Analytics cohort. The applications for the Fall cohorts for Business Intelligence, Data Analytics and Data Engineering will open on January 30th, 2025. (more…)

RISE Civic Engagement Day, Feb. 12

Are you interested in learning about what politicians in Olympia do day-to-day? If so, please come to hear current and former State legislators speak. (more…)

Reading Workshop: Vocabulary in Context, Feb. 12

Learn how to use context clues in a text to figure out the meaning of unfamiliar words. Join us for a helpful workshop, you will enhance your vocabulary skills and improve your overall reading comprehension. (more…)