Students (for Bulldogs FYI)

Multicultural Services Tea and Chat, Tomorrow

In an effort to keep our BC community strong and connected, MCS is hosting Community Lounge: Tea & Chat. Please join us. Cookies and tea will be served. (more…)

BC Business Transfer Program to UWT

Learn more about the BC Business Transfer Program to UW Tacoma Business Degree. (more…)

PTK Orientation & Induction Ceremony, Today

PTK members and officers - there will be an orientation and induction ceremony today. Bring your family and friends! (more…)

Save the Date for President Finalist Interviews.

During the weeks of March 6 and 13, finalists for the BC president position will visit campus. Save the date for the Presidential Candidate Open Forums, which are open to all students, faculty, and staff at BC. (more…)

ASG Public Relations Representative

Would you like to work for the student government? Then, this may be a great opportunity for you. (more…)

Healthy Minds Survey Announcement

A student announcement about the Healthy Minds Study, a national survey of college students about student health and well-being. (more…)

Winter Business and Information Tech Advising Day!

Register for Advising day! Explore degrees in Business and Information Technology (iBIT), meet with a program manager, and get personalized 1-on-1 academic advising. We hope to see you there and look forward to helping you achieve your academic goals. (more…)

Self-Care Summit – Thursday, 2/23/23

Black Student Union and Multicultural Services are hosting a Self-Care Summit on Thursday, Feb. 23, 2023, from 1-2:30 p.m. in C130A and on Zoom. (more…)