Students (for Bulldogs FYI)

STEM Professionals Event, March 9, 1:30 p.m., D106

Are you a student considering a Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math (STEM) field but not yet decided which one? Would you like a chance to hear from and talk with STEM professionals in different fields? (more…)

Week 10 Reminders

Can you believe it's Week 10 of the Winter Quarter?! Read on for important reminders. (more…)

Urban Sketchers Presentation, Monday

Join us for a presentation by local Seattle Times artist and Urban Sketching founder, Gabi Campanario. Gabi will showcase his unique style and discuss his drawing methods. (more…)

Grand Canyon University

Meet an admissions representative from Grand Canyon University. (more…)

Introduction to Mountain Biking – Wellness Center

Expand your outdoor community. Join the Wellness Center for a guided Introduction to mountain biking. $5 covers bike, helmet and instruction! (more…)

Save the Date for President Finalist Interviews

During the weeks of March 6 and 13, finalists for the BC president position will visit campus. Save the date for the Presidential Candidate Open Forums, which are open to all students, faculty, and staff at BC. (more…)

Join the Tech Sisterhood!

The Tech Sisterhood invites everyone who identifies as woman in the tech community at BC to join their club. (more…)

BC Model United Nations Team looking for members!

The BC Model UN team is looking for students who are interested in international politics! The event takes place in New York City from April 10-14 and students will need to commit to weekly meetings in March and early April. (more…)

Brush Up on your Rubric Understanding.

Learn how to ace an assignment at Student Canvas P2P Live Chat Monday-Thursday via zoom. [Link on Canvas P2P Live:] (more…)