Students (for Bulldogs FYI)

CSA Box Sale, Sept. 25

Get a CSA box with organic produce from local farms on Sept. 25 in the C Courtyard! Reserve and pay in advance or buy in-person on a first-come, first-served basis. (more…)

Counseling Center Closed 9/18-9/20

The Counseling Center will be closed Wed. Sept. 18 through Fri. Sept. 20. (more…)

Bulldog Updates and Reminders: Week 0!

Bulldogs! This begins Week 0 of the Fall Quarter of 2024. Make sure you are well prepared for the Fall Quarter with accommodation, information on resources, and perhaps a laptop! (more…)

CSA Produce Box Sale, September 25!

Get a CSA box with organic produce from local farms on September 25 in the C Courtyard! Reserve and pay in advance or buy in-person on a first-come, first-served basis. (more…)

Instantly Apply Your Canvas Skills!

This is an in-depth, hands-on, self-paced Canvas training. This is great for new students and students who want to practice as they learn. (more…)

Interested in a Career in Data?

The Fall 2024 application deadline for the BAS Data Management & Analysis program (concentrations: Business Intelligence and Data Analytics) is September 16th. If you are interested in a career working in data apply today. (more…)

Constitution Day Event (online)

Join us for an engaging lunch hour that will include statewide networking between motivated college students and insight into the various ways to engage with the decision-making process here in Washington State! (more…)

Water Bottle Refill Stations – Give Feedback & Win

The Office of Sustainability needs your feedback to help determine locations for our next round of water bottle filling stations! Take a moment to fill out our short survey and be entered to win a free BC glass water bottle. Survey ends July 28. (more…)