Planning to take Summer Quarter classes? If you haven't already, you will need complete the vaccination attestation (confirmation) form here: You can also ask for an exemption using that form. (more…)
Date posted: April 29, 2022 Author: Janae Cunningham
Summer registration is open! Check-in with academic advising for assistance. If you need accommodations for next quarter check out the Disability Resource Center! (more…)
Date posted: April 29, 2022 Author: Nadescha Bunje
Students, staff, faculty and community members are invited to a public hearing to comment on proposed changes to the WAC 132H-116 Parking and Traffic Rules. This hearing will be held remotely through Zoom. (more…)
Date posted: April 29, 2022 Author: Peter Prescott
Join the BC Wellness Center for an introduction to indoor rock climbing- hanging 30 ft. from the ground can help put life back into perspective! (more…)
Meet Mark Wimley, the Director of System Integration at EvergreenHealth. He is actively involved in staffing for the EvergreenHealth Medical Group and has been a director of the operation rooms at EvergreenHealth, as well as numerous other clinics. (more…)
Date posted: April 28, 2022 Author: Amanda Arboleda
May the 4th be with you! Stop by the C Building Cafeteria on May 4 for free showings of A Star Wars Story: Rogue One and Learn To Play Star Wars Armada Table Top Game. (more…)
Apply to the Student Environmental Sustainability Fund to get funding for your sustainability, climate justice, or social justice project! Apply by May 5 to be considered. Open to students, faculty, and staff. (more…)
Bring your items in need of repair to the RISE Makerspace between 11:30 and 4:30 p.m. and use the tools, resources, and expertise provided to fix them and keep them out of the landfill! (more…)