Students (for Bulldogs FYI)

Volunteer for a Brainwave Recording (EEG)

Neurodiagnostic Technology Students need EEG (brainwave) recording volunteers. To schedule your EEG recording please sign up here: (more…)

5 de Mayo – Everyone is Invited

Vamos tod@s! This event is meant to bring students, staff, and faculty together to participate in fun games, enjoy traditional Mexican street snacks (antojitos), and learn more about the cultural holiday. (more…)

Parking and Traffic Rules Public Hearing

Wednesday, May 4 at 3 p.m. - Students, staff, faculty and community members are invited to a public hearing to comment on proposed changes to the WAC 132H-116 Parking and Traffic Rules. This hearing will be held remotely through Zoom. (more…)

AUDITIONS: BC Student Music Showcase

The Bellevue College Music Program is now accepting submissions from BC Students who are interested in performing at the BC Student Music Showcase on Tuesday, May 24 at Carlson Theatre. (more…)

Update to Open Enrollment Dates for Summer & Fall

Due to offices being closed on May 11 for professional development day, open enrollment for summer and fall quarters is changed from May 11 to May 12 in order to support students with any questions or issues. (more…)

Tutoring for your BC Classes!

The Academic Success Center (ASC) provides tutoring in over 40 subjects! (more…)