Students (for Bulldogs FYI)

Breaking Barriers: An Evening with Tyler Lepley, 6/9

Join actor Tyler Lepley, who Essence magazine recently called, “Black Hollywood’s New It Guy” live and in-person at Bellevue. Tyler shares his journey on Breaking Barriers by utilizing his high-profile platform to shatter Black male stereotypes. (more…)

Manage Stress While Finishing the Quarter

Check the full message for resources for preparing for final exams, projects, and papers, including stress management, academic help, crisis assistance, planning tools, study techniques, and more. From Navigators Programs and the Counseling Center. (more…)

Virtual Interview with Ann Minks

Meet Ann Minks, Program Chair of Bellevue College's Allied Health Programs. She will share the latest updates regarding Allied Health’s certificate programs. There will be time for questions. (more…)

Helpful Reminders

Need accommodations for next quarter? (more…)

Adventure Stress Relief – Get Outside Before Finals

Join the BC Wellness Center for adventure events that will leave you calm and ready for finals. Events include wilderness trail ride (bike provided), canoe tour, and art hike. (more…)

Garden Kick-Off Event, June 9

Join the Garden Club, the Black Student Union, and the Office of Sustainability to kick-off the summer growing season at the student garden. Help prep and plant the garden and learn how to grow plants from seeds. (more…)

Report a COVID-19 Exposure or a Positive Test

As a reminder, if you are exposed to COVID-19 or test positive, please notify the college immediately by filling out an on-line exposure form. Found on the main COVID-19 page on the BC website. (more…)

MakerSpace Sewing Workshop, June 6

The RISE MakerSpace is hosting a Sewing Workshop on Monday. All students are welcome to participate. No experience needed. (more…)

Welcome Back to Your Career, June 7

Do you have a college degree or professional training from another country? Are you interested in getting back into your former profession? Join us to learn how! (more…)