Students (for Bulldogs FYI)

BC Student Music Showcase & Concert Choir

Join us Tuesday night for a live, in-person concert at the Carlson Theatre, featuring instrumental and vocal music by BC students. (more…)

BC Jazz Combos Concert

Come listen to the BC Jazz Combos perform live at the Carlson Theatre on Thursday night! (more…)

STEM to Stern is Recruiting

Are you interested in a career in science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM)? If so, then STEM to Stern is the program for you. We provide students with the skills and resources needed for success as a STEM student and professional. (more…)

Free Food and Supplies at the Spring Study Jam

Do you need school supplies, snacks, a place to study, stress relief activities, or have questions on available academic support for your finals? Stop by the Spring Study Jam! (more…)

Finals Prep? ASC Can Help!

The Academic Success Center (ASC) is here to support you through finals! (more…)

Classified Council Meets Thursday, June 16

Classified Council meets next Thursday.  The Council provides a forum for classified staff to participate in BC decision making. (more…)

Phi Theta Kappa: Bags to Bedrolls Project

Come recycle plastic bags, volunteer, and make an impact! The BC PTK chapter, Alpha Epsilon Rho, partnering with the RISE Learning Institute, and Sustainability are hosting a volunteer activity to help recycle plastic bags and help the homeless. (more…)

Disabled Students Navigating STEM (DSNS)

Are you interested in STEM (science, technology, engineering, or math)? Do you identify as having a disability? You can learn more about both in the Disabled Students Navigating STEM cohort program. (more…)

Science Cafe This Wednesday, June 8, 11:30 a.m.

Join Biology Instructor Jason Fuller who will take us on a nature walk around Bellevue College campus. He will focus on the native plants and plant beds. In addition, he will show off BC’s beehives, and point out birds or insects as we explore the campus. (more…)