Students (for Bulldogs FYI)

Bulldog Updates and Reminders: Week 4

Good luck on your midterms, Bulldogs - and welcome to week 4! There are several resources available to help you succeed at Bellevue College. (more…)

Spring Applications Open – Business Management and Technology

The Business Management and Technology, BAS is now accepting applications for Spring. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to advance your education. Contact us or join our live online info sessions and get all your questions answered. (more…)

Writing Your Personal Statement Workshop, Feb. 5

Carly Yip from the Academic Success Center will lead a hands-on workshop on how to write an effective personal statement for scholarships or academic applications. (more…)

Brutus on the Go, Jan. 22

Visit our food truck, Brutus on the Go, tomorrow for lunch. (more…)

Global Game Jam This Weekend, Jan 24-26

Come build a game in a weekend at Bellevue College's Global Game Jam. All students are welcome. Gaming experience is not required. Food will be provided. (more…)

UW Seattle: Transfer Personal Statement Workshop, Jan. 28

Preparing your application for the University of Washington in Seattle? Join this in-person workshop to learn more about writing the personal statement, specific to UW Admissions standards. (more…)

Free Tutoring Services for Students

The Academic Success Center (ASC) offers a wide range of academic support for Bellevue College students. All services are free, and ASC tutors are ready to help you. (more…)