Getting into college is perhaps the most important part of the admissions process. However, deciding where to apply and ultimately attend is also important. How do you research colleges to decide which school is right for you? (more…)
This series of educational and informative speakers will provide Bellevue College students, faculty, and staff the opportunity to hear higher education professionals discuss the transfer process. (more…)
Learn how to make some simple Japanese dishes from a professional chef! The first 20 students who sign up by May 15 will receive a Miso Package and Japanese vinegar from the JCEC. (more…)
Date posted: May 6, 2022 Author: Javier Womeldorff
Join us at 10:20 a.m., on Tuesday, May 17, by the Rainbow Crosswalk outside S Building to celebrate its installation! Free, it's our chance to celebrate after years of hard work from the LGBTQ+ Task Force, LGBTQ+ Resource Center, and BC community. (more…)
We are looking forward to the Year End Celebration on June 8! Please send your photos, accomplishments or anecdotes from this year to be presented at the event. Please submit by Friday, May 27 to Laura Gettleman. (more…)
The Reading Lab is offering workshops on reading and will continue to open registration for students who want to join our Online Learning Community until May 15. (more…)
Meet Mark Wimley, the Director of System Integration at Evergreen Health. He is actively involved in staffing for the EvergreenHealth Medical Group and has been a director of the operation rooms at EvergreehHealth as well as over numerous clinics. (more…)
New to research writing or want a casual refresher session on citing your sources? The Writing Lab will be offering a short series of workshops on MLA style and APA style documentation. (more…)
Tim Cruickshank, BC alumni, retired Navy SEAL, and CEO of Bonefrog Coffee, will share his story in the Navy and his career as an entrepreneur. Join us and register for a free bag of coffee! (more…)
About FYI
FYI is an acronym for “For Your Information.”
Messages are for college related information in which most Bellevue College employees might be interested.