
Faculty Council Meets Monday, Oct. 7, 2024

The Faculty Council (FC) provides a forum for faculty to exercise a major role in all aspects of the college's academic program. (more…)

Restorative Hours for Faculty

A weekly drop-in space for faculty to get 1-1 support with restorative practices, community building, and issues you may experience. (more…)

Academic Success Center Celebrates Our Tutors!

Next week is Tutor Appreciation Week! Join us starting Tuesday, 10/8 in thanking our amazing tutors. Stop by the Academic Success Center (D-204) to sign a shout-out and let them know how much they are appreciated! (more…)

RISE’s Civic Engagement Week Starts Monday, Oct. 7

Please join us on Monday, October 7, via Zoom, at 6 p.m. to hear from Paul Charbonneau about his foray into politics, how a local campaign gets going, and what it's actually like to work on a city council. This event is online only. (more…)

Japan Week: All-Day Festival on Saturday

Join us at the eighth annual Japan Week @ Bellevue College festival day on Oct. 5 (Sat.) to celebrate all things Japan. This event is presented by the BC Japanese Culture Exchange Club. We're working together with 200+ volunteers on this big festival day. (more…)

Japan Week, Today’s Event

Join us to learn about “The WW II Forced Incarceration of Japanese/Japanese Americans and Its Legacy” from Dr. Larry Matsuda, who was born in the Minidoka, Idaho concentration camp during World War II. (more…)

October 2024 Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

The Washington State Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a free, confidential program created to promote the health, safety, and well-being of public service employees. (more…)

Come to RISE’s Civic Engagement Week

Come learn from experts, local leaders, and civic organizations about how elections actually work, the ballot initiative process, and how to get involved in politics. (more…)

Japan Week, Oct. 1

Join us today for an engaging presentation on Gundam and Gunpla, the iconic plastic model kits that have captured the imaginations of fans worldwide. (more…)

Community-Building & Coffee, Oct. 2

Join us for some community building over coffee on Wednesday, October 2 at 9-9:45 am on the third floor of the U building. (more…)