
September 2024 Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

The Washington State Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a free, confidential program created to promote the health, safety, and well-being of public service employees. (more…)

Upcoming Screening Committee Training Courses

Does being involved in the recruitment and selection process at Bellevue College interest you? Do you have a passion for equity in the workplace? Are you a Hiring Manager? If your answers to any of these questions is yes, then please register today! (more…)

Organic Summer Produce Box Sale, Tomorrow

Pick up a CSA box with organic produce from local farms on August 27! Join the Office of Sustainability in the C Courtyard. (more…)

Interested in a Career in Business Management and Technology?

Interested in a Career in Business Management and Technology? Don’t miss out on this opportunity to advance your education. Contact us or join our live online info sessions and get all your questions answered. (more…)

College Assembly Meets, Thursday

The College Assembly is a college-wide body that reviews and considers key college issues and manages recommendations from councils to the president of the college. (more…)

CSA Produce Box on Sale Aug. 27

Get a CSA box with organic produce from local farms on Aug. 27. Reserve and pay in advance or buy in person on a first-come, first-served basis. (more…)

Recruiting 200 Volunteers for Japan Week!

The eighth annual Japan Week at Bellevue College is presented by the BC Japanese Culture Exchange Club students. We are recruiting 200 volunteers for its open-to-the-public festival day, Oct. 5 (Sat.). (more…)

Interested in a Career in Business Management and Technology?

Interested in a Career in Business Management and Technology? Don’t miss out on this opportunity to advance your education. Contact us or join our live online info sessions and get all your questions answered. (more…)

CSA Produce Box Sale, August 27!

Get a CSA box with organic produce from local farms on August 27! Reserve and pay in advance or buy in-person on a first-come, first-served basis. (more…)