
UW Seattle: Transfer Personal Statement Workshop, Jan. 28

Preparing your application for the University of Washington in Seattle? Join this in-person workshop to learn more about writing the personal statement, specific to UW Admissions standards. (more…)

Winter Quarter Sustainability Update, Feb. 12

Join the Office of Sustainability's quarterly update to get current on upcoming projects and plans around campus. (more…)

Enhancing Communication Skills Workshop, Feb. 11

HR is excited to offer a unique communication training workshop featuring Play-Doh. This engaging session will enhance communication skills, emphasize teamwork, and boost collaboration. (more…)

Exempt Council Meeting, Jan. 22

The Exempt Council (EC) ​provides a forum for exempt staff to participate in Bellevue College decision-making. (more…)

Student Success Council Meeting, Jan. 22

Student Success Council will consider matters related to the provision of instruction and student services, including, but not limited to, educational planning and advising, student transitions, instructional technology, and equitable opportunities. (more…)

Winter 2025 Transfer Fair, Feb. 5

University Transfer Support (a function of the Academic Advising Department) presents: Winter 2025 Transfer Fair in the Gary Locke Ballroom. (more…)

The College Bound Resource Fair, Feb. 1

Register now for the College Bound Resource Fair for Students with Disabilities. This unique event was created specifically for aspiring college students with disabilities and their families and educators. (more…)