
Join One of Our PE Certificate Programs

There is still time to apply for our Yoga Instructor Certificate and Personal Fitness Trainer Certificate. (more…)

Library Closed Until Fall Quarter

While BC Library is closed for the break, staff are working remotely and on campus. Contact us by calling 425-564-2252 or email (more…)

EWU at Bellevue Program Seeking Applications

Eastern Washington University’s Bellevue program (located on BC campus, D Building 171D) is still open and accepting applications from BC students who are seeking degrees in Psychology, including a B.A. in Psychology (in-person) and a B.S. in Health Psychology (in-person and online available). (more…)

ASC Tutoring Open Until Finals!

Remind your students! The Academic Success Center (ASC) is OPEN for tutoring during the last week of summer quarter. (more…)

Monday! College Assembly Meeting at 1:30 p.m.

The College Assembly is a college-wide body that reviews and considers key college issues and manages recommendations from councils to the president of the college. (more…)

Return Library Materials by August 18

All library items are due August 18. Please check for books, calculators, or other items you may have borrowed and return them. (more…)

Japan Week Volunteer Sign-Up 2022

Student volunteers needed! JCEC is looking to recruit 200 volunteers for the Bellevue College JAPAN WEEK’s community day, Sept. 24 (Sat). By volunteering for at least four hours, you will receive a FREE Japan Week T-shirt. Complete online form to signup. (more…)

August 2022 EAP Newsletter for Employees

The August 2022 Employee Newsletter focuses on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), which are traumatic events or situations that happen during childhood and lead to long-term stress. (more…)

BC Library (D126) is a Great Space to Work!

Need a quiet, well-lit place with good internet to do homework or access a remote class? BC Library (D126) is open and staffed Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (more…)

Tombolo Introduces Entrepreneurship Certificate

Tombolo Institute at BC has launched another new certificate program. As employers adjust to the tight labor markets, there’s never been a better time to improve your resume or gain the skills necessary to start a business of your own. (more…)