
Student De-Stress Dec. 10 in BC Library

Tuesday from noon-1 PM in the Library, D126: therapy dog teams from College Dogs will be available for cuddles! The XR Lab offers shorter XR headset experiences at the same time! Free and no reservations needed! (more…)

Adult/Child CPR, AED, First Aid, & Narcan Training

Earn your certification in Adult and Child CPR, AED, First Aid, and Narcan. Register today—spaces are limited, and supervisor approval is required before registration. (more…)

Kitchen Remodel Begins Winter Quarter

The cafeteria dining hall will remain open during the kitchen construction project. However, we are making some temporary changes that will allow us to continue providing nourishment to our campus community. (more…)

W Building Informational Meeting, Dec. 6

Admin Services and Campus Operations invites you to join an update meeting about the upcoming W Building on Friday. (more…)

Finals Tutoring and Free Test Materials at ASC

Tutoring is available through finals week. Free scantrons, blue books, and green books are also available for students while supplies last. (more…)

Making Learning Visible, Dec. 4 & 5

Join us for the RISE Learning Institute's Fall Making Learning Visible Showcase of Student Work. This quarter's projects include dance performances, anatomical models, AI research. (more…)

Student Success Council Meeting, Dec. 4

Student Success Council will consider matters related to the provision of instruction and student services, including, but not limited to, educational planning and advising, student transitions, instructional technology, and equitable opportunities. (more…)