
Budget Town Hall

Join us for a budget town hall on Thursday, April 6. This meeting will include an update on the current fiscal year budget and the proposed budget for fiscal year 2024. (more…)

Last Chance – Apply to Be a Student Leader

The application to apply for a Student Leader job in Housing, Student Engagement, or the Welcome Center closes this Sunday, April 2. (more…)

BC Faculty and Staff Singers

Welcome to our BC Faculty & Staff Singing Group! Come join our vibrant musical community. No experience necessary! We invite all BC employees to participate! (more…)

Bellevue College Website Redesign

Status update for the upcoming launch of the new Bellevue College website. (more…)

BC Library is Closed Between Quarters

BC Library is closed during the break between quarters, March 25-April 3. Library materials may be returned in the book return box outside D-126. (more…)

Finance and Purchasing Year – End Deadlines

As BC nears the June 30 fiscal year-end date, be aware that the college is approaching several deadlines. Employees should plan to adhere to all cutoff dates. (more…)

On-Demand Counseling Videos

On-demand library of mental health related videos are available on the Counseling Center's homepage. (more…)

KBCS and Sankofa Impact Story: Autherine Lucy

In 1956, Autherine Lucy, a Black student, was expelled from University of Alabama within the first three days of beginning a master's degree in education.  Listen to what became a 30-year journey to earn that degree. (more…)