Open ten additional days, seeking Classified, Student, Exempt, and Faculty members willing to serve on BC Governance in 2023-2024. Let your voice be heard. (more…)
Date posted: April 7, 2023 Author: Amanda Arboleda
Bellevue College ADN Honor Society is hosting a blood drive in partnership with BloodworksNW that is happening this coming Tuesday, 4/11, 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. on BC campus and is open to BC community only. (more…)
Community Education is looking to the BC faculty for instructors this summer for their retiree program (TELOS). All summer courses are now on main campus or online. Proposals due end of April. (more…)
The BC website is undergoing a major overhaul. The redesign is set to launch on Thursday, April 6. The new site is designed to offer a fresh aesthetic, improved functionality, and enhanced content centered on BC's mission to provide teaching and learning excellence. (more…)
The Infrastructure Council (IC) provides a forum to consider the effectiveness of nonacademic support functions, including technology, facilities, and auxiliary services. (more…)
Does being involved in the recruitment and selection process at BC interest you? Do you have a passion for equity in the workplace? Are you a Hiring Official? If your answers to any of these questions is yes, please sign up for the upcoming required training for all members of screening committees and hiring officials. ...more about Register for Screening Committee Trainings
Welcome to our BC Faculty and Staff Singing Group! Come join our vibrant musical community. No experience necessary - we invite all BC employees to participate! (more…)
About FYI
FYI is an acronym for “For Your Information.”
Messages are for college related information in which most Bellevue College employees might be interested.