
Student-Led Book Club on Ukrainian Classics

Come join us for this weekly in-person student-led book club on Ukrainian Classics which will give you a deeper understanding of the nation’s history, culture, and the context of current events unfolding in Ukraine. All BC students are welcome. (more…)

Infrastructure Council Meets Wed., May 10

The Infrastructure Council (IC) provides a forum to consider the effectiveness of nonacademic support functions, including technology, facilities, and auxiliary services. (more…)

Spring 2023 Drop-in Advising Day

The School of Business & Technology at Bellevue College is hosting an in-person drop-in Advising Day. Ask questions and get 1-on-1 academic advising with a program advisor to explore bachelor's and associate degrees of interest. (more…)

Accounting National Leadership Student Meetup

The Washington Society of Certified Public Accountants (WSCPA) is hosting the National Leadership Student Meetup, learn how to become a CPA, and have an active conversation with leaders in the industry. (more…)

Registration Week is Here!

Drop-in advising will be available Monday, May 8 through Friday, May 12! Read on for details! (more…)

Monday – Info Session for the President's Award

The President's Award for Innovation & Equity, an opportunity to receive funding to infuse new teaching practices into your course, is offering its final Information Session for its 2023-2024 funding year. Join us to learn more and even pitch ideas! (more…)

Host Families Needed in August 2023!

A local homestay agency is in need of many host families to host short-term visiting students from Japan in early August. (more…)

Health & Wellness BAS Online Info Session

Attend our online info session on Tuesday, May 9 from 12:30-1 p.m to learn more about the Health & Wellness BAS program. (more…)