The Black Employees of Bellevue College (BEOBC) and the Black Student Union along with the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are partnering with Bellevue College’s XR Lab and eLearning to present the Virtual Seattle Black History Tour on Thursday. (more…)
Come stop by the Academic Success Center (D204) to pick up a pride flag, pride bracelet and a pride sticker! Come prepare for finals and get assistance with our tutoring services and resources. (more…)
BC is hosting Girls Can Code, a free introductory coding camp for girls ages 12-14, July 31 - August 3. Bring a friend and come learn how fun programming can be! (more…)
It takes time to get a class just right (if it ever *is* just right). For most, teaching is a constant work in progress. Join colleagues as they talk about integrating different teaching practices into their courses. Open to faculty and staff. (more…)
BC's Continuing Education is partnering with ed2go, a leading provider of adult online education, to expand online training across in-demand industries. Over 100 online courses for personal and professional goals are offered. (more…)
The BAS Data Management & Analysis program application has opened for two new cohorts in Fall 2023 (Business Intelligence and Data Analytics concentrations). (more…)
Come to the BC Library and check out book displays for June observances: Immigrant Heritage Month, LGBTQ+ Pride Month, and the celebration of Juneteenth. (more…)
Catch up with BC Governance meeting minutes. Follow links to written records of discussion, votes, and expert presentations across eight councils and College Assembly. (more…)
About FYI
FYI is an acronym for “For Your Information.”
Messages are for college related information in which most Bellevue College employees might be interested.