
Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue, Mar. 6

Enhance your communication skills with this interactive training designed to help you navigate workplace challenges. We still have a few seats available. Register today! (more…)

Food Truck Closed, Mar. 5

Due to staffing challenges, Brutus on the Go will be closed next week. (more…)

One Week Left to Apply for a BCF Lockwood Grant

The Bellevue College Foundation's Lockwood Grant application is closing next Thursday, Mar. 6 at 11:59 PM. All faculty are eligible to apply, and grants range from $2,500 to $10,000. (more…)

Faculty Council Meeting, Mar. 3

Faculty Council Meeting: Monday, March 3 The Faculty Council (FC) provides a forum for faculty to play a major role in all aspects of Bellevue College’s academic program. The council initiates, researches, and builds consensus on policies, strategic planning, and college-wide issues. It is primarily responsible for curriculum, faculty professional development, and student assessment, and ...more about Faculty Council Meeting, Mar. 3

Gain Project Management and Data Skills

The Business Analysis & Technology (BATECH) program prepares students for job titles such as program coordinator and data coordinator, positions that support and lead to careers in business intelligence and data analytics. (more…)

Major Prerequisites Workshop: In-Person, Mar. 3

The Major Prerequisites Workshop will help students to learn what prerequisites need to be completed before transferring to a four-year university. (more…)

Continuing Education Spring Registration Now Open

Explore nearly 60 personal enrichment, world language, TELOS Lifelong Learners (55+), and professional development non-credit continuing education courses. Register today—most classes start in April. (more…)

Food Truck Closed Today and Tomorrow

Due to windy conditions and staffing challenges, the food truck will be closed this week. (more…)

W Building Informational Meeting, Feb. 28

Admin Services and Campus Operations invites you to join an update meeting about the upcoming W Building on Friday, Feb 28. (more…)