
Parking and Traffic Rules Public Hearing

Students, staff, faculty and community members are invited to a public hearing to comment on proposed changes to the WAC 132H-116 Parking and Traffic Rules. This hearing will be held remotely through Zoom. (more…)

Classified Council Meets Thursday

Classified Council provides a forum for classified staff to participate in Bellevue College decision making.  (more…)

Infrastructure Council Meets Wednesday

The Infrastructure Council (IC) provides a forum to consider the effectiveness of non-academic support functions, including technology, facilities, and auxiliary services. (more…)

Introducing Learning Boards!

Access a variety of methods available to you at Bellevue College to upgrade your skills. (more…)

New at the BC Library!

Visit the library in D-126 for new books! Celebrate Poem in Your Pocket week! (more…)

Free Fitness: Faculty and Staff Wellness

Check out the Spring Quarter Faculty and Staff Wellness Classes; Yoga, Meditation, Xpress Fitness, OPEN ACCESS Fitness Center Hours! (more…)

KBCS Story – Trees and Development

In a dense city landscape, can trees and development coexist? Listen in on this story about Seattle's trees. (more…)

KBCS Story – Supporting Families Through the Pandemic

Listen to heartfelt stories from a family support worker in the Seattle Public School system about what his community has needed through the pandemic and where the challenges are today. (more…)