
Receive Funding for Your Sustainability Project

Apply to the Student Environmental Sustainability Fund to get funding for your sustainability, climate justice, or social justice project! Apply by May 5 to be considered. Open to students, faculty, and staff. (more…)

Student Peer to Peer Training on Canvas Apps

Students can learn how to access Canvas app from mobile devices at Student Canvas P2P Live. [Link on Canvas P2P Live:] (more…)

Parking and Traffic Rules Public Hearing

Students, staff, faculty and community members are invited to a public hearing to comment on proposed changes to the WAC 132H-116 Parking and Traffic Rules. This hearing will be held remotely through Zoom. (more…)

Classified Council Meets Thursday

Classified Council provides a forum for classified staff to participate in Bellevue College decision making.  (more…)

Infrastructure Council Meets Wednesday

The Infrastructure Council (IC) provides a forum to consider the effectiveness of non-academic support functions, including technology, facilities, and auxiliary services. (more…)

Introducing Learning Boards!

Access a variety of methods available to you at Bellevue College to upgrade your skills. (more…)

New at the BC Library!

Visit the library in D-126 for new books! Celebrate Poem in Your Pocket week! (more…)