
Exempt Council Meeting, June 14, 2022, 1-2:30 p.m.

The Exempt Constituency Council is a forum by which exempt staff participates in Bellevue College decision-making. This is an open meeting and you're welcome to attend. (more…)

Disabled Students Navigating STEM (DSNS)

Are you interested in STEM (science, technology, engineering, or math)? Do you identify as having a disability? You can learn more about both in the Disabled Students Navigating STEM cohort program. (more…)

Help Spread the Word

Help spread the word about the Navigating College - Your Education Within Reach event for high school seniors. (more…)

Infrastructure Council Meets Wednesday, June 8

The Infrastructure Council (IC) provides a forum to consider the effectiveness of nonacademic support functions, including technology, facilities, and auxiliary services. (more…)

Pizza Café Hours

Due to multiple on campus events, Pizza Café hours will be adjusted for Monday and Tuesday this week. Hours are from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. (more…)

The Delicate Art of Influential Leadership

Getting direct reports to do what you need them to do in a way that allows everyone to grow and produce is a fine art. (more…)

Faculty and Staff Year-End Celebration

The 2022 Faculty and Staff Year-End Celebration and Excellence Awards will be held on June 8 and will include a gift basket raffle to benefit the Faculty, Staff and Student Safety Net programs. (more…)

Report a COVID-19 Exposure or a Positive Test

As a reminder, if you are exposed to COVID-19 or test positive, please notify the college immediately by filling out an on-line exposure form. Found on the main COVID-19 page on the BC website. (more…)