
Introducing Learning Boards!

Access a variety of methods available to you at Bellevue College to upgrade your skills. (more…)

NWCCU Mid-Cycle Evaluation Exit Meeting

The mid-cycle exit meeting is an open meeting at the conclusion of the virtual site visit. The NWCCU evaluation team is expected to briefly share findings from their various meetings the previous day and our mid-cycle evaluation report. (more…)

BC Events Office Closed from April 20-22

Due to back-to-back events for our campus community, BC Events office will be closed for the next three days. (more…)

Networking and Job Fair

Meet with employers! Register to attend the Center for Career Connections Annual Networking and Job Fair. (more…)

Monday! College Assembly Meeting at 2:45 p.m.

The College Assembly is a college-wide body that reviews and considers key college issues and manages recommendations from councils to the president of the college. (more…)

Networking and Job Fair

Meet with employers! Register to attend the Center for Career Connections Annual Networking and Job Fair. (more…)