
Build Your Public Speaking Skills

In this course, participants will learn the best practices of public speaking and get a chance to practice these skills. Open to all employees! (more…)

Contracts Office Reminders/Updates

We've put together reminders and updates about the contract process. (more…)

Infrastructure Council Meets on Wednesday, June 22

The Infrastructure Council (IC) provides a forum to consider the effectiveness of non-academic support functions, including technology, facilities, and auxiliary services. (more…)

Contracts Office Reminders/Updates

Interested in about the contract process?  We've assembled reminders and updates. (more…)

Pizza Café and "C" Coffee Shop

BC Pizza Café &"C" Coffee Shop for Spring and Summer Quarters. (Closed today at 1 p.m.) (more…)

Student Canvas Instructor-Led Online Workshop

Students can now register for the Canvas Instructor-Led Online Workshop. This four day course is free, non-credit training, and self-paced with daily tasks for students who are new to online learning at BC. (more…)

Classified Council Meeting, Thursday

The Classified Council meets tomorrow, providing a forum for classified staff to participate in BC decision making. (more…)