
FA and Registrar Brown Bag Lunch & Learn

This is the first Lunch & Learn Brown Bag Lunch session with the Financial Aid and Registrar offices. Please join us on Dec. 6 for a short discussion about Program Plan Stacks, followed by an open Q& session. (more…)

Upcoming ctcLink Travel and Expense Training

The Finance Office will lead sixty-minute sessions on the following topics: budget chartstrings, travel authorizations, cash advances, and expense reports. (more…)

Infrastructure Council Meets Wednesday

The Infrastructure Council (IC) provides a forum to consider the effectiveness of nonacademic support functions, including technology, facilities, and auxiliary services. (more…)

Upcoming ctcLink Travel and Expense Training

The Finance Office will lead sixty-minute sessions on the following topics: budget chartstrings, travel authorizations, cash advances, and expense reports. (more…)

Student Canvas Peer to Peer Support

Students can join Canvas Wrap-Up Sessions at Student Canvas P2P Live Training. (more…)

Faculty Council Meets Monday, Nov 21

The Faculty Council (FC) provides a forum for faculty to exercise a major role in all aspects of the college's academic program. (more…)

*New* Library Course Reserves Online Form!

Did you know you can submit course reserve materials to the BC Library any time 24/7 with the click of a button? Check out our new Course Reserve Request form! (more…)

International Education Events, Today

IEW Events : Soccer Match, Burmese Culture & Food and Mohamed Zohar talk about 'Escaping Genocide' (more…)