
Exempt Council Meets Tues, Jan. 10

The Exempt Council (EC) ​provides a forum for exempt staff to participate in Bellevue College decision-making. (more…)

Infrastructure Council Meets Wed., Jan. 11

The Infrastructure Council (IC) provides a forum to consider the effectiveness of nonacademic support functions, including technology, facilities, and auxiliary services. (more…)

BC Food Trucks Day

This week's scheduled food trucks on campus. (more…)

Faculty Council Meets Monday, Jan. 9

The Faculty Council (FC) provides a forum for faculty to exercise a major role in all aspects of the college's academic program. (more…)

Scrum – What It Is and Why It’s Important

Scrum has been a game changer for the tech sector. Read more about why and what Tombolo Institute at BC has for professionals to get introduced and certified in Scrum. (more…)

Student Canvas Support Begins Tomorrow

Let your students know they can join our Student Canvas Peer-to-Peer Live Training support online using Zoom (SSO). Students can ask Canvas-related questions, connect with peers, and learn something new. (more…)

Student Canvas Live 60-Minute In-Person Training

Let your students know they can join our Student Canvas live 60-minute in-person training this Thursday to learn strategies for student canvas success. This training will introduce new students to online education that includes canvas navigation, settings, and essential skills. (more…)