
Monday! College Assembly Meeting at 1:30 p.m.

The College Assembly is a college-wide body that reviews and considers key college issues and manages recommendations from councils to the president of the college. (more…)

Help Student Learn How to Navigate Canvas

Student peer-to-peer training focuses on new topics each week. This week’s training is focused on Canvas Discussions. (more…)

Student Success Council Meeting

SSC meeting will be held on the first and third Wednesday of the month from 3:15-4:45 pm. on MS teams. (more…)

Student Canvas Support, M-Th

Let your student know that they can join our Student Canvas Peer to Peer live training support to become an expert at online learning. (more…)

Curriculum Advisory Committee Meeting, Friday

The curriculum advisory committee will meet online this Friday. This is an open meeting and the college's community members are welcome to attend. (more…)

DRS Webinars

The Department of Retirement Systems’ Education & Outreach team will provide the following live webinar presentations from Jan. – March, 2023. (more…)