Date posted: January 20, 2023 Author: C Louie
The College Assembly is a college-wide body that reviews and considers key college issues and manages recommendations from councils to the president of the college. (more…)
Date posted: January 18, 2023 Author: Eunbee Vest
Student peer-to-peer training focuses on new topics each week. This week’s training is focused on Canvas Discussions. (more…)
Date posted: January 18, 2023 Author: Eric Kong
A redesign of the BC main website will launch this spring. (more…)
Date posted: January 17, 2023 Author: Rekha Kurpad
SSC meeting will be held on the first and third Wednesday of the month from 3:15-4:45 pm. on MS teams. (more…)
Date posted: January 17, 2023 Author: Warda Zaman
Attend our upcoming Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue workshop. (more…)
Date posted: January 13, 2023 Author: Warda Zaman
Upcoming required training for all members of screening committees and hiring officials. (more…)
Date posted: January 11, 2023 Author: MelissaE Martinez
Have an academic advising question? Come to drop-in advising. (more…)
Date posted: January 11, 2023 Author: Eunbee Vest
Let your student know that they can join our Student Canvas Peer to Peer live training support to become an expert at online learning. (more…)
Date posted: January 10, 2023 Author: Iulia Zavodov
The curriculum advisory committee will meet online this Friday. This is an open meeting and the college's community members are welcome to attend. (more…)
Date posted: January 10, 2023 Author: Warda Zaman
The Department of Retirement Systems’ Education & Outreach team will provide the following live webinar presentations from Jan. – March, 2023. (more…)