Posts by Yves Martin

EWU at Bellevue Program Seeking Applications

Eastern Washington University’s Bellevue program (located on BC campus, D Building 171D) is still open and accepting applications from BC students who are seeking degrees in Psychology, including a B.A. in Psychology (in-person) and a B.S. in Health Psychology (in-person and online available). (more…)

Canceled Performances of You on the Moors Now

The Theatre Arts Department has cancelled the June 1-4 performances of You on the Moors Now due to COVID issues. However, additional performances have been arranged for next week. (more…)

New Academic Calendars are Now Available

View all of the important dates for BC in a year-at-a-glance format. Submit your request for a copy of the academic calendar to Printing Services. (more…)

Observing Juneteenth and the Final Exam Schedule

The Final Exam Schedule and the Academic Calendar accurately reflect this year’s celebration of Juneteenth. However, the calendar in the ctcLink class search continues to list the end of the Spring Quarter as June 22. (more…)

Submissions for Bulldogs FYI

Remember: Submissions for Bulldogs FYI must be in by the end of the day on Wednesdays in order to be included in the following week's email. (more…)