Posts by Stephanie Mccarty

Join BC Counselors for Drop-in Self-care

If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or have other heightened emotions, students can also join BC counselors for drop-in self-care activities (e.g., arts and crafts, meditation, etc.) in U208 Mar. 4, 5, and 6. (more…)

Your Voice Matters!

Yes, it's a survey. And yes, your voice matters!  Share your thoughts on media, communication, and so much more through this national survey. Completed surveys will be entered into a bi-weekly prize giveaway. (more…)

Are We Reaching You the Right Way?

BC cares about your opinion. We also care about reaching you in ways that work best for you. (more…)

Media Preferences Survey

Our Fall Media Preferences Survey has officially launched! This survey allows BC to best serve our students and their communication preferences. Students that partake in the survey are entered into a weekly giveaway. (more…)

Bulldog Spot It!

Metro buses featuring ads for BC are driving throughout the Eastside and Seattle. Next time you see one of these buses, snap a picture, and then share it on your social media stories. Best faculty/staff photo wins a piece of BC merch! (more…)