Posts by Florida Cishesa

Phi Theta Kappa: Officer Application Deadline

Apply by July 15 to become a PTK officer - or just come and engage with other PTK members in volunteering activities and more. (more…)

Phi Theta Kappa: Officer Application Deadline

Apply by July 15 to become a PTK officer, or just come and engage with other PTK members in volunteering activities and more. (more…)

Phi Theta Kappa: Bags to Bedrolls Project

Come recycle plastic bags, volunteer, and make an impact! The BC PTK chapter, Alpha Epsilon Rho, partnering with the RISE Learning Institute, and Sustainability are hosting a volunteer activity to help recycle plastic bags and help the homeless. (more…)

Phi Theta Kappa: Induction Ceremony

Are you a PTK member who hasn’t been inducted? Join us at the virtual final induction ceremony and learn about PTK and the resources that a membership offers. (more…)

Phi Theta Kappa: Graduation Items for Members

Are you a PTK member graduating this spring or summer? You can get a free PTK seal to put on your diploma, and PTK can lend you caps and gowns. (more…)

Phi Theta Kappa: Bags to Bedrolls Project

Come recycle plastic bags, volunteer, and make an impact! The BC PTK chapter, Alpha Epsilon Rho, partnering with the RISE Learning Institute, and Sustainability are hosting a volunteer activity to help recycle plastic bags and help the homeless. (more…)

Phi Theta Kappa: Open Officers’ Positions

The BC PTK chapter Alpha Epsilon Rho is now recruiting new officers for the 2022-2023 academic year. If you are passionate about community service, want to gain some leadership skills, and are a PTK member, you might be a good fit for our chapter leadership committee. (more…)

Phi Theta Kappa: Bags to Bedrolls Project

Come recycle plastic bags, volunteer, and make an impact! The Bellevue College Phi Theta Kappa chapter, Alpha Epsilon Rho, is organizing a volunteering activity that will help recycle plastic bags and help the homeless. (more…)