Posts by Amy McCrory

The SBC is Now in U-207

The Student Business Center (SBC) has moved from our previous location in C-105 of the Student Union building. We are now operating in U-207. (more…)

Constitution Day Event (online)

Join us for an engaging lunch hour that will include statewide networking between motivated college students and insight into the various ways to engage with the decision-making process here in Washington State! (more…)

ASG Approves 2023-24 S&A Allocations

The ASG Board of Directors approved the 2023-24 S&A allocations in a Special Board of Directors meeting. (more…)

ASG Candidate Event

Come meet the ASG president and vice president candidates for 2023-24. (more…)

ASG Board of Director’s Meeting

The ASG Board of Directors will hold a regular meeting on March 6, 2023. (more…)

ASG Public Relations Representative

Would you like to work for the student government? Then, this may be a great opportunity for you. (more…)

ASG Movie Night – “Black Panther”

Join ASG for their Movie Night on February 22, where they will be showing "Black Panther!" (more…)