Date posted: February 10, 2025 Author: Alex Berger
Hear from former Washington State Rep. Zack Hudgins and Joe Nguyen, current head of the Washington State Department of Commerce, as they share insights and answer questions about the day-to-day realities of being a politician. (more…)
Are you interested in learning about what politicians in Olympia do day-to-day? If so, please come to hear current and former State legislators speak. (more…)
The RISE Learning Institute's Winter 2025 Making Learning Visible Showcase of Student Work will take place in March. Details about registration and location coming soon. (more…)
Join us for the RISE Learning Institute's Fall Making Learning Visible Showcase of Student Work. This quarter's projects include dance performances, anatomical models, AI research. (more…)
Please register your classes for the RISE Learning Institute’s Making Learning Visible showcase of student learning, which will take place in the cafeteria. (more…)
Please join us on Monday, October 7, via Zoom, at 6 p.m. to hear from Paul Charbonneau about his foray into politics, how a local campaign gets going, and what it's actually like to work on a city council. This event is online only. (more…)
Come learn from experts, local leaders, and civic organizations about how elections actually work, the ballot initiative process, and how to get involved in politics. (more…)
Date posted: September 27, 2024 Author: Alex Berger
Join the RISE Learning Institute's Week of Civic Engagement to learn about issues such as the history of voting rights, the importance of the youth vote, and the ballot initiative process. To see the schedule, go to the RISE website. (more…)
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FYI is an acronym for “For Your Information.”
Messages are for college related information in which most Bellevue College employees might be interested.