Info Session: Data Analytics/Business Intelligence

Learn more about the BAS Data Management & Analysis program in the upcoming information sessions. Find out about the differences between the Business Intelligence and Data Analytics cohorts and how to apply. (more…)

Catch up on the Latest in BC’s Student Newspaper

Recently in THE WATCHDOG: BC’s Website Redesign, From BC to Harvard, BC Offering Emergency Grants for At-Risk Students, New Neurodiversity Center, Netlix's 'Stranger Things' Exhibit comes to Seattle and more… (more…)

Office Spring Cleaning?

If your office is doing an office spring cleaning and getting rid of unwanted items please consider donating to the Academic Success Center (D204)! (more…)

Earth Week Feedback!

Please help us build upon Earth Week programming by providing your feedback! We’ll be randomly selecting 3 respondents to receive a custom travel mug with this year’s theme: Resilience in Action: Stronger Together. (more…)

BC Dance Company Presents: BC/DC (May 5-6)

An evening of dance featuring works by BC dance students and guest choreographers. Directed by Jenna Spinei. (more…)

BC Governance Elections This Week

Nominations for Classified, Exempt, and Faculty Council are in. Look for an election ballot in your email soon. (more…)

Student-Led Book Club on Ukrainian Classics

Come join us for this weekly in-person student-led book club on Ukrainian Classics which will give you a deeper understanding of the nation’s history, culture, and the context of current events unfolding in Ukraine. All BC students are welcome. (more…)

Get OUTSIDE! Mountain Bikes, Backpacks & MORE

Join the BC Wellness Center for a $5 outdoor recreation event. All equipment and instruction provided. Build your outdoor community with us… (more…)