Faculty Council Meets Monday, May 8

The Faculty Council (FC) provides a forum for faculty to exercise a major role in all aspects of the college's academic program. (more…)

2023-24 AY Changes To Review

The new catalog for the academic year 2023-24 is now available online at catalog.bellevuecollege.edu. (more…)

ATD Core Team, 3-4 p.m. Mon. 5/8 Open to All!

Achieving the Dream (ATD) is a framework BC has adopted for institutional change toward increasing success for all students. We discuss and implement ways to increase supports to students and remove barriers to their success. Please join us! (more…)

Week 6 Updates and Reminders

We're more than halfway through spring quarter! Please read on for important updates and reminders for Week 6. (more…)

Annual BC Networking and Job Fair

Are you looking for a terrific summer job, internship, or career opportunity? Come to meet more than 50 employers in BC campus, who are looking to hire BC Students of all majors. This is a great opportunity that you don’t want to miss! (more…)

BC Men’s Soccer Team – Game Day

⠀ As you may be aware, the soccer spring season has already begun. It's time to wear our jerseys again to support the men's soccer team, which will play this Saturday, May 6, 2023, at 2:00 pm on the BC soccer field. (more…)

Budget Town Hall

Join us for a budget town hall on May 11 via MS Teams. This meeting will include an update on the proposed budget for fiscal year 2024, which extends from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024. (more…)

Rent a Bike

The BC Bike Rental Program is back! Open to faculty, staff and students. (more…)

Restorative Listening Circle: Solidarity Building

Come to a facilitated space to listen and be heard through authentic storytelling that aims to foster a greater sense of emotional connection, transparency, and shared vulnerability. (more…)

P2P and Test/Quizzes

Let your students know about Student Canvas Live Training Peer-to-Peer to gain more knowledge on tests/quizzes. (more…)