Ace Your Test/Quiz

Tips on how to ace your test/quiz on Student Canvas P2P Live Chat Monday-Thursday via Zoom. (more…)

STEM Student Social, May 24

STEM Student Social - featuring activities, games, food. All are welcome. (more…)

Apply Now for a PE Certificate

Apply now to start in Fall Quarter for one of our certificates: Yoga Instructor, Personal Fitness Trainer, or Outdoor Recreation Leadership. (more…)

Pound Rock-out Workout Next Week, May 17

Faculty, staff, and students are invited to sign-up for one of our workout sessions next week. (more…)

Week 7 Reminder

Read on for an important reminder for Week 7 of Spring Quarter. (more…)

Spring Final Exams Survey Update

Spring Finals survey will be emailed out to faculty on May 10 and the response is appreciated by May 19. (more…)

Jane Elliott at BC, Today

Jane Elliott will speak virtually today, 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. Educator Jane Elliott has spent the last 50 years fighting racism. (more…)

Mid-Quarter Study Jam Party

Join us for the Mid-Quarter Study Jam Party as students work and study for their midterms! (more…)

Academic Affairs Spring Colloquium, Tomorrow

Join us tomorrow for the third in the Academic Affairs Colloquium Series, aimed at building community, promoting scholarship, sharing knowledge and passions, and promoting learning from one another. (more…)