BC Governance “Essentials” Starts Next Friday

BC Governance Essentials workshops are for elected, appointed, and future council members. Introductory and Intermediate series are open for fall quarter, on Fridays. Register today. (more…)

The 8th Annual Japan Week is Coming

The BC Japanese Culture Exchange Club presents Japan Week Sept. 30 - Oct. 5. (more…)

CSA Box Sale, Sept. 25

Get a CSA box with organic produce from local farms on Sept. 25 in the C Courtyard! Reserve and pay in advance or buy in-person on a first-come, first-served basis. (more…)

Welcome Week Activities & Involvement Fair

Student Engagement is hosting a variety of activities and workshops for Welcome Week and the Involvement Fair. (more…)

Missing Golf Cart Charger

The golf cart charger for the Foundation Golf Cart was mistakenly taken on Friday, Sept. 13, from outside room A104 near the electrical closet. If found, please return it to Laura Gettleman in A101. (more…)

Counseling Center Closed 9/18-9/20

The Counseling Center will be closed Wed. Sept. 18 through Fri. Sept. 20. (more…)