Art for Action Event

Unleash your creativity for a cause! Join us on October 29 for Art for Action, where you’ll have the opportunity to design canvas tote bags and shirts to raise awareness about global conflicts and show your support for peace and justice. (more…)

Bulldog Updates and Reminders: Week 4

Goodluck on your Midterms, Bulldogs! Welcome to Week 4. There are several resources available to help you succeed at Bellevue College. Look into this week’s Updates and Reminders to find out what! (more…)

Introduction to Grants

The Grants Office is offering an Introduction to Grants workshop to help interested faculty and staff learn about grant opportunities, services the Grants Office offers, and how to develop ideas into solid cases for funding. (more…)

"Cobalt Red" Climate Justice Book Group

Join to read Siddharth Kara's "Cobalt Red: How the Blood of the Congo Powers Our Lives." We will also examine: the history of the DRC, the connection between resource extraction and civil war, and the intersection of human rights and climate change. (more…)

Fall 2024 Transfer Fair and Transfer 101!

Fall Transfer Fair: Wednesday, October 23 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in U 301A/B (Gary Locke Ballroom). Transfer 101 Workshop: Tuesday, October 22 from 3:30-4:30 p.m. via MS Teams, 256 213 617 680 | Passcode: 3BB2te. (more…)

October is Depression Education & Awareness Month

During the month of October, take some time to learn about depression, including symptoms and preventative measures. Review an infographic developed by the BC Counseling Center. (more…)

Japan Week: Survey

If you attended last week's 8th Japan Week at Bellevue College, please take a few minutes to complete our survey. (more…)

Learn About Birding with Climate Justice

This workshop is a combination book group and field experience as we learn more about birding and then give it a try! This workshop focuses on the local level of understanding the plants and birds around us and the impact of climate change on them. (more…)