Bulldog Updates and Reminders: Week 6

We are now at the halfway mark, Bulldogs! It is now Week 6 of the Fall Quarter. Take care of yourselves and look into this week’s Updates and Reminders to make sure you are getting the help you need with Peer educators, and counseling. (more…)

CSA Produce Box Sale, Oct. 30

Support local farmers in the Puget Sound region by purchasing fresh, organic produce. Each box costs $20 and includes a variety of organic produce. (more…)

BCF Mini-Grant Application Due, Nov. 7

BCF Mini-Grants are open to faculty, staff, and administrators and are awarded to support efforts that may not be eligible for support through other college funding sources. Awards range from $300 to $3,000. Apply today! (more…)

Week 6 Reading Lab Workshop, Oct. 29

Do you know how to make connections with your reading? Do you know how to use context clues to figure out the meaning of unfamiliar words? Come to our reading workshops! (more…)

Canvas Disaggregation Dashboards, Oct. 28

The Faculty Commons and Effectiveness, Research and Analytics Department are teaming up for this workshop to share how to harness the power of Canvas disaggregation dashboards for equitable student outcomes. (more…)

Interested in a Career in Data?

The application for BC's Spring 2025 Data Analytics cohort will open on Oct. 31. Looking ahead, applications for the Fall 2025 cohorts in Business Intelligence, Data Analytics, and Data Engineering will open in Jan. 2025. (more…)

Campus Habitat Restoration Event, Oct. 23

Join the Office of Sustainability and Grounds Team on Oct. 23 to get involved in habitat restoration and salmon recovery. (more…)

Costa Rica Experience – Pura Vida Learning

Apply for the Costa Rica Global Wellness Experience to learn more about sustainable living and the lifestyle factors that make the Nicoya Peninsula of Costa Rica one of the globes Blue Zones and one of the greenest countries in the world. (more…)

Capital Project Requests

BC is now accepting capital project requests for the upcoming biennium, which runs from July 2025 to June 2027. The deadline to submit your request is Nov. 15. (more…)