Curriculum Advisory Committee Meeting Nov. 1

This is an FYI email about upcoming proposals to the Curriculum Advisory Committee (CAC) on behalf of the CAC Chair. Our first meeting is Friday, Nov. 1. (more…)

Climate Change is Scary Event, Oct. 29!

Get prizes and candy while sharing your feedback on how best to green BC’s vehicles. King County Metro and Sound Transit will also be there giving away prizes and answering all your public transit questions. (more…)

Capital Project Requests Due Nov. 15

BC is now accepting capital project requests for the upcoming biennium, which runs from July 2025 to June 2027. The deadline to submit your request is Nov. 15. (more…)

What's Happening in BC Governance – Aug-Oct 2024

Councils tackled annual goal setting this fall. See below! All are welcome to attend any council meeting virtually. Check the BCG Calendar for information. More Information: Individual council reports are available in the center part of each council's SharePoint page. Have a comment or question? One-click access below to August-October College Assembly meetings below. College ...more about What's Happening in BC Governance – Aug-Oct 2024

Harvest Fair, October 30!

Join the Office of Sustainability at the Harvest Fair and enjoy a clothing swap, free sustainable refills, upcycled bags by Recooped, and an organic CSA produce box sale. (more…)

Share Your Experience as a Student on Campus!

This week, students will receive an email that invites them to share about your college experience in the Washington Student Experience Survey. This short survey will come from outside the college and is not spam. (more…)

Fall 2024 International Transfer Fair

About 50 university representatives from around the U.S. are coming to Bellevue College on Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2024. Meet with the admissions officers to learn more about their schools and start planning your transfer. (more…)

Destress with a Counselor

Join the Bellevue College counselors for a multiweek series of events to help you destress and unwind. (more…)

Know Your Rights!

WA Labor Center presents "Know Your Rights!", an introduction to Union Power, Workers' Rights, and Fighting Workplace Exploitation. When: Oct. 30 and 31 | 12:30-1:20 PM (same presentation both days) Room: N201 Guest speaker: James Oliveiros (more…)

Interested in a Career in Software Development?

Join an online Information Session and learn more about the Software Development degree tracks in Artificial Intelligence, Application Development, or Game Development. (more…)