Get Inclusive – Required Online Learning Modules

Check your email for a Get Inclusive invitation to complete a short set of required online learning modules addressing consent, preventing sexual assault, bystander intervention, alcohol and drug use, and inclusion. (more…)

Capital Project Requests Deadline, Nov. 15

BC is now accepting capital project requests for the upcoming biennium, which runs from July 2025 to June 2027. The deadline to submit your request is Nov. 15. (more…)

Wujood: A Gallery Exhibition, Nov. 7-15

The opening reception for Wujood: A Timescape of Palestinian Culture, Society, and Life is Thursday. (more…)

Fall 2024 Employee Wellness

Fit fitness into your week! Meditation, Tai Chi, Yoga or Open Gym. (more…)

Circle Cafe Opening, Nov. 5

BCFS is excited to announce the Circle Cafe in the T building is open. (more…)

Student Success Council Meets Wed, Nov 6

Student Success Council will consider matters related to the provision of instruction and student services, including, but not limited to, educational planning and advising, student transitions, instructional technology, and equitable opportunities. (more…)

Exempt Council Meets Wednesday, Nov. 6

The Exempt Council (EC) ​provides a forum for exempt staff to participate in Bellevue College decision-making. (more…)