Infrastructure Council Meeting, Nov. 27

The Infrastructure Council (IC) provides a forum to consider the effectiveness of nonacademic support functions, including technology, facilities, and auxiliary services. (more…)

Exempt Council Meeting, Nov. 27

The Exempt Council (EC) ​provides a forum for exempt staff to participate in Bellevue College decision-making. (more…)

Prose & Pastries, Dec. 3

The Academic Success Center's Reading Lab and the BC Library present Prose & Pastries. Come listen to Bellevue College’s own Dan Tremaglio read from his soon-to-be released second book, The Only Wolf is Time. (more…)

College Assembly Meeting Canceled, Nov. 28

The College Assembly is a college-wide body that reviews and considers key college issues and manages recommendations from councils to the president of the college. (more…)

Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Nov. 22

Classical music enthusiasts, rejoice! Bellevue College’s community radio station, KBCS, brings you a world-class experience with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra (CSO) Radio Broadcasts on World News Radio HD2. (more…)

UW 2024 Transfer Student Preview Day, Dec. 12

Interested in transferring to the University of Washington, Seattle campus? Transfer Student Preview is a program for students (and their families) to learn more about UW Seattle programs and services and to connect with academic departments. (more…)

Guest Speaker – Brock Berube, Cybersecurity Analyst, Nov. 21

The InfoSec Club is excited to welcome Brock Berube, a seasoned Cybersecurity Analyst from Honeywell, as the guest speaker for an engaging and insightful discussion on Blue Teaming in the world of cybersecurity. (more…)

Staff and Faculty Excellence Award Nominations

Do you know an outstanding staff or faculty member that you want to be recognized for their hard work? Nominate them for a BC Foundation Excellence Award! (more…)

Bulldog Updates and Reminders: Week 10

It's Thanksgiving week! As you take the needed break from the fall quarter, make sure you are well-prepared as we approach finals week. Take this preparation time to also make sure everything is ready for the winter quarter as well! (more…)