Join an Upcoming Reading Workshop

Learn how to read faster and how to summarize your reading at an upcoming workshop offered through the Reading Lab at the Academic Success Center. More Information: How to Read Faster Wednesday, Feb. 23, 1:30–2:30 p.m. Get the Zoom meeting link Do you feel stressed by the amount of reading your teachers give you? Reading ...more about Join an Upcoming Reading Workshop

Day of Remembrance

The Asian Pacific Islander Students Affinity Coordinator presents a live conservation event with author Frank Abe to commemorate the Day of Remembrance. (more…)

February Displays in the BC Library

BC Library (D126) currently features Japanese American incarceration during WWII, African American authors, friendships, and banned or challenged books. (more…)

How to Submit an FYI

Follow these steps next time you would like to communicate with the campus community. We now have two options: The FYI Digest is sent daily to faculty, staff and administrators. The Bulldogs FYI  is sent once a week to students. To submit an FYI: Go to the FYI website Click 'Send an FYI (login required)' ...more about How to Submit an FYI