Winter 2025 Transfer Fair, Feb. 5

University Transfer Support (a function of the Academic Advising Department) presents: Winter 2025 Transfer Fair in the Gary Locke Ballroom. (more…)

Bulldog Bistro Week 3 Specials

Here are the specials being offered at the cafe Bulldog Bistro. (more…)

The College Bound Resource Fair, Feb. 1

Register now for the College Bound Resource Fair for Students with Disabilities. This unique event was created specifically for aspiring college students with disabilities and their families and educators. (more…)

EAP – Wildfires in SoCAL Support and Resources

The Washington State Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides free, private support 24/7. Other resources include the Red Cross, NAMI Washington, and the Disaster Distress Helpline. (more…)

New Software System for the BC Food Pantry

Bellevue College has a new system this year called PantrySoft. Students only need to register once a school year to access the pantry. (more…)

Exterior Drinking Water Stations

Due to colder temperatures in the coming days, Campus Operations will be temporarily shutting off exterior drinking water stations. The newer green stations will remain on as well as interior drinking water stations. (more…)

Restrooms, Elevators, and Bus Stops

Bellevue College has released a newly updated, comprehensive campus map designed to make navigating campus easier and more accessible for everyone. The map highlights key facilities and services to support students, faculty, and visitors. (more…)

College Assembly Meeting, Jan. 23

The College Assembly is a college-wide body that reviews and considers key college issues and manages recommendations from councils to the president of the college. (more…)