BC Year End Celebration Information Request

We are looking forward to the Year End Celebration on June 8! Please send your photos, accomplishments or anecdotes from this year to be presented at the event. Please submit by Friday, May 27 to Laura Gettleman. (more…)

2022-23 Catalog is Posted

The new catalog for the 2022-23 academic year now available online. (more…)

Reading Lab Workshops and OLC

The Reading Lab is offering workshops on reading and will continue to open registration for students who want to join our Online Learning Community until May 15. (more…)

Fitness Center- Open Access Hours

Starting this Spring, the newly remodel BC Fitness Center will be open during select non-instructional hours to all students, staff and faculty. $30.50 per quarter (more…)

Check out the May 2022 EAP Employee Newsletter

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. This month’s EAP newsletter discusses some common barriers that keep people from getting support. (more…)

2022-2023 ASG Elections

2022-2023 ASG elections are here. (more…)

Virtual Interview with Mark Wimley

Meet Mark Wimley, the Director of System Integration at Evergreen Health. He is actively involved in staffing for the EvergreenHealth Medical Group and has been a director of the operation rooms at EvergreehHealth as well as over numerous clinics. (more…)

MLA and APA Writing Lab Workshops in May

New to research writing or want a casual refresher session on citing your sources? The Writing Lab will be offering a short series of workshops on MLA style and APA style documentation. (more…)

Bonefrog Coffee Company

Tim Cruickshank, BC alumni, retired Navy SEAL, and CEO of Bonefrog Coffee, will share his story in the Navy and his career as an entrepreneur. Join us and register for a free bag of coffee! (more…)