Helpful Reminders

Need accommodations for next quarter? (more…)

Help Students Manage Stress During Finals

Check the full message for resources for preparing for final exams, projects, and papers, including stress management, academic help, crisis assistance, planning tools, study techniques, and more. From Navigators Programs and the Counseling Center. (more…)

Faculty and Staff Year-End Celebration

The 2022 Faculty and Staff Year-End Celebration and Excellence Awards will be held on June 8 and will include a gift basket raffle to benefit the Faculty, Staff and Student Safety Net programs. (more…)

Adventure Stress Relief – Get Outside Before Finals

Join the BC Wellness Center for adventure events that will leave you calm and ready for finals. Events include wilderness trail ride (bike provided), canoe tour, and art hike. (more…)

BC Bookstore Now Open

The BC Bookstore reopened on campus on June 1st. The store will be open and operating Monday through Thursday. (more…)

Garden Kick-Off Event, June 9

Join the Garden Club, the Black Student Union, and the Office of Sustainability to kick-off the summer growing season at the student garden. Help prep and plant the garden and learn how to grow plants from seeds. (more…)

Report a COVID-19 Exposure or a Positive Test

As a reminder, if you are exposed to COVID-19 or test positive, please notify the college immediately by filling out an on-line exposure form. Found on the main COVID-19 page on the BC website. (more…)

ATD Faculty PD Co-Lead Application Open

Achieving the Dream is looking for faculty members (PT or FT) to apply for the position of Faculty Professional Development Workgroup Co-Lead, compensated with one 5-credit release for Fall, Winter, and Spring Quarters. (more…)