Jazz band auditions will be held on September 6, 7, 8 from 4-7 p.m. by appointment. Auditions will take place in the band room (E129) adjacent to the Carlson Theater. (more…)

Fall Housing Move-In – Sept. 12

The Residence Hall will welcome new and returning residents on Sept. 12 for the annual fall move-in event. (more…)

Vacant Positions at BC

Check out our open positions! (more…)

Japan Week Lecture Series for BC Students

As part of the 6th Annual BC Japan Week, there will be a series of online lectures for BC students. (more…)

Join One of Our PE Certificate Programs

There is still time to apply for our Yoga Instructor Certificate and Personal Fitness Trainer Certificate. (more…)

Library Closed Until Fall Quarter

While BC Library is closed for the break, staff are working remotely and on campus. Contact us by calling 425-564-2252 or email circulation@bellevuecollege.edu. (more…)

Pizza Cafe is Open

Pizza Cafe is open during the break. (more…)

Bulldog Spot It!

Metro buses featuring ads for BC are driving throughout the Eastside and Seattle. Next time you see one of these buses, snap a picture, and then share it on your social media stories. Best faculty/staff photo wins a piece of BC merch! (more…)